The Hillsborough County MPO’s Pedestrian System Plan is an effective implementation plan for a multi-jurisdictional, multi-agency planning area. The Plan takes an innovative approach to area-wide pedestrian system planning using state-of-the-art planning methods to develop its four comprehensive Action Programs: (1) The On-Road Network Expansion; (2) The Urban Trail System; (3) The Mode Shift Incentive Program; and (4) The Safety Enhancements Program. The Plan expands the state-of-the-art in technical analysis by establishing stable supply- and demand-side measures of effectiveness: (1) It prioritizes roadway segments for sidewalk construction; (2) It evaluates traffic calming measures and streetscape designs for their effectiveness in improving the pedestrian environment; and (3) It quantifies pedestrian-transit linkages. The Plan mainstreams pedestrian facility programming into the metropolitan area transportation planning process. Increased quality of the walking environment is a dominant theme in the Plan’s Goals, Objectives and Policies, and the Safety Enhancements Program is a cornerstone of the Action Plan. Walking to recreational or social destinations is quantified through the Latent Demand Score Model developed by the staff of Landis Evans + Partners, formerly Sprinkle Consulting.