Landis Evans + Partners, formerly Sprinkle Consulting, created the Bicycle, Pedestrian and Greenways Transportation Plan for the Baltimore Metropolitan Council which provides a coordinated and strategic approach to the development of a regional network of trails, bikeways and pedestrian facilities in the Baltimore region. The Plan outlines 12 strategies to increase the levels of bicycling and walking in the region, incorporating the results of both a Bicycle Level of Service and Latent Demand Analysis. The strategies address a wide range of issues, including development of new bikeways and pedestrian facilities, protection of greenways, education and encouragement programs, revision of local policies, and access to transit. The Team included performance measures to allow the region to gauge its progress toward implementing the Plan’s recommendations. Additionally, Bicycle Corridor Studies and Pedestrian Improvement Zones are a central feature of the plan to demonstrate how the strategies and recommendation could be applied for immediate and tangible results.