Birmingham, AL Area Bicycle, Pedestrian & Greenway Plan

The Birmingham Area Bicycle, Pedestrian and Greenway Plan is a regional, multi-jurisdictional plan for greenways and bikeways. The focus of the Plan is the development of an integrated system of urban trails, flood plain pathways and on-street bicycle and pedestrian routes. Landis Evans + Partners, formerly Sprinkle Consulting, served as a major project subconsultant developing analytical methods and tools to measure demand for off-road trails and on-road bikeways. They also established the Plan’s prioritization methodology and corridor evaluation process for implementation. A program to provide instruction in safe bicycling and walking will be provided to every child in the Region. Regionwide participation from the public stakeholders was an integral component in developing the Plan. This project was part of the Birmingham Regional Planning Commission’s Long Range Transportation Plan. In the fiscal year following plan completion, the MPO allocated an unprecedented $7 million in local STP funds to trail and greenway development throughout the two-county region, using the prioritization process developed by Landis Evans to establish funding priorities. This Plan was recognized for design excellence by the APA State Chapter and was a feature article in the MPO Monitor, the magazine for AMPO, and program of the National Association of Regional Councils.