Peoria, a rapidly-growing suburb west of Phoenix had developed a system of bike lanes on collector streets and had a growing network of paths and trails that were a major draw for families who settle there. The ability of residents to enjoy these amenities was impeded, however, by the multi-lane arterial roadways that were laid out on a one-mile grid. Residents had good mobility within their own neighborhoods, but if they needed to access any destinations outside their neighborhood, they were faced with very challenging route choices. The City engaged Landis Evans + Partners, formerly Sprinkle Consulting, to help them meet the challenges and build upon their progress. Landis Evans staff evaluated the level of bicycle accommodation for the arterial roadway system and recommended the most cost-effective strategies to bring each corridor to a targeted level of accommodation in the City. Some roadways had sufficient right-of way for the additions of bike lanes or paved shoulders, while others were more constrained and were recommended for more detailed study, perhaps for the careful design of a sidepath. When implemented, these strategies will greatly improve the connectivity of Peoria’s network of bicycle facilities, allowing residents to begin bicycle trips at home and access commercial districts, other neighborhoods, schools, parks, and Peoria’s signature network of trails and pathways.