Houston, TX Bicycle Study

The Houston Bicycle Study is a two-part before- and after- project evaluating the bikeways constructed as part of an extensive $32,000,000 CMAQ program investment. The Houston-Galveston Area Council retained Landis Evans + Partners, formerly Sprinkle Consulting, as the technical lead for the project team. Landis Evans developed the Houston Bicycle Corridor Profile Method, a bold new logit model to estimate the number of people that would shift to the bicycle travel mode as a result of the construction of bicycle facilities. Auto ownership, trip purpose, and the magnitude and dispersion of origins and destinations are some of the demand-side factors in bicycle mode choice. The prevalence or lack of support facilities within travel corridors plays a role in the bicycle mode travel choice. Several rail-to-trail corridor conversions are part of the before- and after- mode shift evaluation of the Houston Bicycle Study. The popular Buffalo Bayou recreational trail will be upgraded as a multi-use facility as part of the CMAQ program funding.