NCHRP 3-70 Multimodal Level of Service for Urbanized Arterials

National Cooperative Highway Research Project 3-70, multimodal Level of Service for Urban Arterials and Streets, is fundamentally changing the way in which roadways throughout the United States are designed and operated. The results of the research enable transportation agencies to consider the trade-offs between all four primary travel modes (auto, bicycle, pedestrian, and transit) along urban streets based on user perceptions of the transportation environment. Landis Evans + Partners, formerly Sprinkle Consulting, led and authored the bicycle and pedestrian research components of the 24 month, $1,000,000 project, which has led to new level of service analysis techniques that quantify the conditions for people walking and bicycling along (and across) urban arterials. The results of the research are documented in NCHRP Report 616 and are now fundamental to the new urban streets chapters of the 2010 Highway Capacity Manual. Client contact: