Pedestrian and Bicycle Crash Plotting and Counts and Behaviors Observations, Orlando

This study improved understanding of the behaviors and environmental engineering factors that contribute to bicycle and pedestrian collisions in the Orlando, FL area. A sampling of metropolitan streets was selected on the basis of accident histories, medians, street lighting, and the presence or absence of bicycle lanes. Landis Evans + Partners, formerly Sprinkle Consulting, reviewed and analyzed 171 hard copy police crash reports of collisions on the studied streets from 2002-2006. Field observations were conducted of the following behaviors: (1) Bicyclists riding in the roadway vs. on the sidewalk; (2) Bicyclists riding with traffic vs. against traffic; (3) Bicyclists using headlights at night; (4) Pedestrians crossing at an intersection vs. mid-block; and (5) Pedestrians crossing in an adequate gap. Risks were calculated for three of the behaviors, based on crash histories, and numerous bicyclists and pedestrians were observed.