The Philadelphia Bicycle Plan blueprints a city-wide system of bikeways integrated within the existing street network and urban trail and city park system. The Plan has a strong foundation on established analytical methods which eliminate the ‘guess work in bicycle facility programming: the Bicycle Level of Service and Latent Demand Score Models. The Plan connects the historic Ben Franklin Parkway, the Philadelphia Museum of Art, and Fairmont Park with the CBD and the surrounding neighborhood. Landis Evans + Partners, formerly Sprinkle Consulting, directed the technical network segmentation, analytical evaluation of the bicycle transportation system, assessment of bicycle travel demand potential, and formulation of the Final Needs Priority of the Plan. The adopted Bicycle Level of Service Model enables the City’s engineering staff to evaluate actual bicycling conditions, test bicycle facility alternatives, and implement the optimum facility improvement. The city engineering staff, transportation planners, and advocacy groups developed route and trail location preferences as a major input to the Plans prioritization process.