This planning and design tool allows analysis and testing of metropolitan arterials for completeness in terms of the bicycle travel mode. Landis Evans staff conducted research and developed an arterial Bicycle Level of Service Model (Bicycle LOS) that incorporates bicyclists real-time perceptions of the roadway environment. This work builds on a decade of previous research for the Florida Department of Transportation and the National Cooperative Highway Research Program. Since the original development of the roadway segment Bicycle LOS Model in 1995, the Model has been applied on over 400,000 miles of roadways throughout North America. It is in extensive and widespread use by numerous state, regional and metropolitan and local transportation agencies throughout the United States. The groundbreaking facility-level Bicycle LOS Model links the intersection and roadway segment models together to confidently measure people’s bicycle travel along a roadway facility; it is now established in the new Highway Capacity Manual. This planning and design tool enables professionals to quantify existing conditions and test alternatives for design features benefiting bicyclists at intersections and segments of the arterial.